Class Title: Design Master Class
Instructor: Shirley Paden
Class Length: 11 Hours
4:30 to 7:40 pm on Friday, October 10 and 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on Saturday, October 11
Overall Skill Category: Intermediate
: A basic knowledge of knitting
Class Description: In this class students learn to custom-make their own sweater patterns. They will work through organizing the components involved in constructing four different types of garments and two different types of necklines.
Pre Class Assignment:
Download and read complete class description.
Select a sweater silhouette and plan a design, then sketch the planned garment. Next, select the stitch pattern and the yarn. When that is done, knit one or two swatches.
Note: Swatches should be approximately 8"x 8" in order to achieve a more accurate garment knitting gauge.
Print Handout for calculating yardage 
Bring to Class: Tape measure, 2 pencils with erasers, writing paper, calculator, sketch of sweater, swatch, swatch calculations, and yarn ball bands.