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Library FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions About the MKG Library

Where and when can I find the library?

Check out our collection online here!

The MKG library is available during the monthly guild meetings in the vendor lobby.  The library is open before the meeting and briefly at the end of each meeting.

How can I borrow library items?

Library books, magazines, DVDs, and pamphlets can be checked-out by current guild members. Simply fill out the item's card with your name, phone number and the date.  Leave the check-out card at the library table.

Can I reserve books or items ahead of time?

Unfortunately, we do not currently have a system in place for reserving materials.  Right now our library operates on a first come, first available system.

How long can items be borrowed?

Library items are due back one month after check out, at the next guild meeting.

Can I renew items for an additional month?

Yes, simply bring the items with you to the guild meeting and check with a library volunteer.  The library volunteer will re-check-out your items, giving you an extra month.

What if I forget to bring my library items to the next meeting?

We all forget sometimes. If you do not return your items at the next meeting, the items will be considered OVERDUE.  If you have overdue items you may not check out any additional items until the overdue items are returned.  Items overdue three months or more are considered LOST.

I have a LOST item. What should I do?

The best solution is to return all library items at the next guild meeting.  


Replace the item with an identical copy by purchasing the item and bringing it to the next meeting.


Pay a $50 replacement fee for each lost item. 

If you have lost items you may not check out any additional items.  Members will not be allowed to renew their guild membership until all lost items have been settled with the guild.

I can no longer attend guild meetings but I still have library items.  What are my options?

Library items can be mailed to the guild at the following address: Madison Knitters Guild PO Box 14443 Madison WI 53708-0443


Contact the library chair by email library@madisonknittersguild.org to arrange for a delivery or pick-up.

Does the library accept donations?  I have books, magazines or pamphlets to give away.

The library will take donated books and DVDs. Magazines, pamphlets, and patterns can be donated, but please note, due to space, these items are usually saved for the May sale.  Bring donations to the next guild meeting or email library@madisonknittersguild.org to arrange for a delivery or pick-up.  Donated items will either be added to our collection or sold during the annual May sale.  Revenue from the library sale goes towards new book acquisition.

How can I help support the library?

We are always looking for library volunteers to help run the library during meetings and to manage library data and acquisitions between meetings.  Stop by the library table or email library@madisonknittersguild.org for more information about volunteering.

My questions were not answered on this page.  How can I get more help?

Please email the library committee at library@madisonknittersguild.org

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